Lakes, rivers and streams dominate Idaho’s five northern counties with 140 lakes and nearly 2,000 miles of rivers and streams. More than half of all the surface waters in Idaho are here in the panhandle, from foam-flecked river rapids to challenge the whitewater rafter and glassy, quiet lakes perfect for canoes. Within the miles of rivers and vast lakes are world-class sport fisheries, many the location of sport fishing records. In addition to championship fishing, there are a host of other water related activities. Classic wooden boat shows, sailboat rigattas, paddlewheel boat cruises and dozens of public beaches and swimming holes are among the many ways to enjoy the area’s pristine waters and majestic summer days.
Lake Coeur d’Alene
- Home of the Coeur d’Alene Resort Golf Course Floating Green
- Noted for its scenic mountain beauty
- Chinook Salmon up to 42 lbs
- Winter eagle nesting in Wolf Lodge Bay
- 183 foot depth, 31,872 surface acres
- 25 miles long, 125 miles of shoreline
Hayden Lake
- Accessible by paved road all around the lake
- 178 foot depth, 3,800 surface acres
- Fed by streams and springs
- 40 miles of shoreline
- Two public boat launches
Spirit Lake
- 12 miles of shoreline
- 100 foot depth, 1,300 surface acres
- Highest of all small lakes with an elevation of 2,400 feet
- Surrounded by forests with hiking and biking trails Hauser Lake
- 550 surface acres, 40 foot depth
- A favorite fishing lake with public access
Fernan Lake
- Small (450 acres) feeder lake to Lake CdA
- Village of Fernan Lake nestled along its north and west shores
Hauser Lake
- 550 surface acres, 40 foot depth
- A favorite fishing lake with public access
Twin Lakes
- Upper Twin, 500 acres, and Lower Twin, 350 acres are joined by a narrow thoroughfare; shallow, some parts only 10 feet deep
- Near golf course
- Home to perch, bass, crappie & rainbow trout
Lake Pend Oreille
- Largest and deepest lake
- 43 miles long, 111 miles of shoreline
- Deep water (1,158 feet) – so deep the U.S. Navy tests submarines out of Bayview, which also has a community of floathouses
- Record Kamloops trout and prize-winning Dolly Varden
Priest Lake
- 80 miles of shoreline, 25 miles long
- Connected to Upper Priest Lake by scenic 2.5 mile thoroughfare
Spokane River
- 100 miles long, originates north end of Lake Coeur d’Alene flows westward and joins the Columbia River
- Mostly used for recreation, is dammed at Post Falls
Coeur d’Alene River
- Headwaters on the SE slopes of Packsaddle Mountain within 6 miles of Lake Pend Oreille
- Water flowing SE & SW into Lake Coeur d’Alene at Harrison
St. Joe River
- A working river where tugboats can be seen pulling rafts or “booms” of logs to lumber mills
- The highest navigable river in the world
- 120 miles long with Grade II and III rapids.
Priest River
- 44 miles long
- Class II & III rapids
Pend Oreille River
- Originates from Lake Pend Oreille, flows west
- Albeni Falls is located 23 miles downstream, near Priest River
- Drains 24,000 square miles of wetlands in Western Montana and Northern Idaho
Launch your boat
Boats launching in the state of Idaho are required to purchase an Idaho Invasive Species Fund sticker. The IISF sticker is included in Idaho boat registration. For out of state boaters, annual fee is $22 for motorized boats, $7 for non-motorized boats. More at or 1-877-336-8676.
Launch fee at Kootenai County’s 22 ramps and docks at lakes and rivers, including Lake Coeur d’Alene: Boats registered in Idaho, $4 daily launch fee or $20 for an annual pass. Boats registered out of state, $8 a day or $40 a year. Kootenai County Parks and Waterways, 10905 N. Ramsey Road, Hayden 83835, 208-446-1275
Launch fees at other North Idaho ramps and docks vary. Call the site interested in for up-to-date information. Idaho’s area code is 208.
Public Docks/Boat Ramps
not all listed
Lake Coeur d’Alene
Black Rock 446-1275
Blackwell Island ($6 day/$40 annual) 769-5000
Booth’s Park Coeur d’Alene 446-1275
Carlin Bay 446-1275
Fuller’s Landing 446-1275
Gould’s Landing 446-1275
Greensferry Bay 446-1275
Harlow Point 446-1275
Harrison City Docks 446-1275
Heyburn State Park ($5 entrance fee) 686-1308
Higgen’s Point ($5/$40) 699-2224
Loff’s Bay 446-1275
Mica Bay 446-1275
Mineral Ridge ($6/$40) 769-5000
Spokane Point 446-1275
Third Street (closed 6/1-9/30/13) 769-2252
Lake Pend Oreille
Bayview Boat Launch 446-1275
Sandpoint City Beach 263-7811
Farragut State Park ($5 entrance fee) 683-2425
Sam Owen Park 265-6600
Springy Point 265-2676
Trestle Creek 437-3133
Johnson Creek 437-3133
Hayden Lake
Honeysuckle Beach 772-4411
Sportman’s Access 446-1275
Priest Lake
Indian Creek 443-2200
Kalispell Bay 443-1047
Priest River
West Bonner County Park 255-5681
Mudhole 437-3133
Albeni Cove 437-3133
Riley Creek 437-3133
Spirit Lake
Maiden Rock 446-1275
Silver Beach ($5) 623-4842
Twin Lakes
Upper & Lower Twin Lakes 446-1275
Twin Lakes Middle Channel 446-1275
Spokane River
Q’emiln Park 773-0539
Kootenai River
Deep Creek 255-5681
Copeland 255-5681