North Idaho Pet License Information
In some cities, pet licenses are available through your local veterinary hospital. Licenses fees vary:
- Coeur d’Alene: $10/year for altered, $20/year for intact
- Post Falls: $12/year for altered, $24/year intact
- Kootenai County: $7.50/year for altered, $15/year intact
- Sandpoint: $10/year for altered, $20/year for intact
You must show proof of rabies shot and spay or neuter (if applicable)
Kootenai County Humane Society
phone: (208) 772-4019
Panhandle Animal Shelter
phone: (208) 265-7297
Shoshone Pet Rescue
phone: (208) 512-3401
Benewah County Humane Society
phone: (208) 245-7387
Animal Control
Kootenai County
phone: (208) 446-1300
Coeur d’Alene
phone: (208) 772-4019
Post Falls
phone: (208) 773-3517
phone: (208) 687-0711
Bonner County
phone: (208) 265-5525
phone: (208) 265-1482
Boundary County
phone: (208) 267-3151 x. 21
Bonners Ferry
phone: (208) 267-2412
Shoshone County
phone: (208) 556-1114
phone: (208) 784-1131